Creative Ideas

Portray Best Image of Pakistan Internationally


Currently Pakistan is facing many problems nationally or internationally. Main challenge for Pakistan is to build strong, not good or better but excellent image internationally. Pakistan posses excellent youth talent with itself ,who has capability of doing something extraordinary , so that international community must know that Pakistan is a land of Peace , love and prosperity.

What to do? (Idea!)

Idea should be floated in all universities of Pakistan that there is a best “Documentary competition”. Documentary should be under the umbrella name of “Ye Mera Pakistan Hai”. Students of all universities have to make a documentary where they have to depict best image of Pakistan. Documentary may include achievements, people, places or whatever they want. Focus must be to show that Pakistan is the best place in the world in all aspect. It should be started from provincial level then must move to national level.

End result:

In the end when best documentary from national level is finalized, it should be broadcasted on all national or international media channels (TV or social channels) to let all the person know that Pakistan want love not the terrorism.

                              Sindhi Cultural Products

General Description
Handicrafts of Pakistan are just another precious stone in the bejeweled crown of Pakistan culture and heritage. It is an important sector of Pakistan despite its importance and significance it is neglected. To promote this art of Pakistan we need new promotional ways in regional and global market to provide an opportunity for economically and socially backward section of the society.
Project Description
Our idea is of selling traditional products of Pakistan online through website and also promote through facebook and blog. On this website we post designs of different traditional products (like: rilli and traditional embroidery).The motivation behind this project is based on providing a cultural center (platform) for promoting and providing innovative high quality handmade crafts with the aim of increasing the profit margin of primary producers; crafts people. Our target markets are those people who live within and outside the Pakistan but we focus more on those who live outside. The reason behind that preference is that they use internet most frequently and do online purchasing and it is more difficult for them to purchase offline as compare to the people living in Pakistan.   We will get the inventory from the producers and then upload the  information about availability of those products on our web page.
We are forging new path by using e-business methodology to bring our products in regional as well as global market where consumers can shop online. We will connect artisans to new markets and new markets to artisans. Pak Artisans offers several ways for consumers and importers to access innovative handmade products, while creating economic opportunities for artisans specifically of Sindh and generally of Pakistan.
Our Featured Products

Traditional Pottery
Sindhi Cap & Ajrak
Bangles and prayers cap

Revenue Model
 We will have revenue by selling the products to the customers at reasonable price and also shipping cost.

Global Problem related to Society
More than a billion beggars are living around the world. They are indulged in begging and the noticeable thing is that those beggars are also married and have children.  Main problem for the society is that those beggars also induce their children to be on the wrong track on which they are already working. Those children ultimately have to choose that track unwillingly and the end result always would be that their lives get ruined; they don’t get any opportunity of schooling, good health or even organic food. This is global problem for which countries are suffering a lot.
Solution # 1
There should a house where these children should be given accommodation facility with better treatment and organic food as normal children are enjoying. All facilities should be provided which normal children are availing and as well as they should be educated in good school.
Solution # 2
Alternative solution for this problem can be that in those houses beggars themselves should be given accommodation and better treatment of their children combine, or it can be that those beggars should be given different opportunities to earn money from different small professions o that they can be able to educate their children themselves, train those beggars provide them education and start earning money from small level business.
If a beggar is handicap after educating him/her just give a small opportunity of opening a small shop to earn money and if s/he is good in health and physically s/he is well than educate and equipped him/her with a skill ( Designing , painting , etc ) so that they can earn money also. 
Note: Different models can be applied in different region accordingly
End results
By doing this not only societal problem will be resolved but these children will also contribute in the economy of that country in future. This idea should be implemented globally. It will ultimately alleviate the poverty from the economy also. 

Blog about Beauty

We are going to start a business which is based on the tips of beauty including different types of product as well. By this blog we create a point where individuals get awareness about makeup and other beautiful things which change their personality. “MAKEOVER” is the name of our blog. People can also share their comments and view on this blog. We provide individuals an opportunity to make their selves up to date on the basis of beauty tips.
Revenue model
As our business is on the beauty tips, we work hard to get as much traffic as we can in a short span of time. It may be by getting likes or posts/comments from people. By generating a good traffic we will be able to register this blog to Google ad sense. It helps us to encourage other beauty related markets to come and put advertisements on our blog. Also we can generate our profit by selling goods. We provide a facility to our viewers to visit our blog and also if they want to purchase some beauty related products, then they can put an order online. We will put a separate tab for products where only products should be available for purchase.

Global Problem related to Society
More than a billion beggars are living around the world. They are indulge in begging and the noticeable thing is that those beggars are also married with number of children.  Main problem for the society is that those beggars also induce their children to be on the wrong track on which they are already working. Those children ultimately have to choose that track unwillingly and the end result always would be that their lives get ruined; they don’t get any opportunity of schooling, good health or even organic food. This is global problem for which countries are suffering a lot.
Solution # 1
There should a house where these children should be given accommodation facility with better treatment and organic food as normal children are enjoying. All facilities should be provided which normal children are availing and as well as they should be educated in good school.
Solution # 2
Alternative solution for this problem can be that in those houses beggars themselves should be given accommodation and better treatment of their children combine, or it can be that those beggars should be given different opportunities to earn money from different small professions o that they can be able to educate their children themselves, train those beggars provide them education and start earning money  from small level business.
If a beggar is handicap after educating him/her just give a small opportunity of opening a small shop to earn money and if s/he is good in health and physically s/he is well than educate and equipped him/her with a skill ( Designing , painting , etc ) so that they can earn money also. 
Note: Different models can be applied in different region accordingly
End results
By doing this not only societal problem will be resolved but these children will also contribute in the economy of that country in future. This idea should be implemented globally. It will ultimately alleviate the poverty from the economy also.

When Idea does not come , then what to do ?

What do you do when you lose the motivation to create? When the ideas seemingly stop coming and any task feels like a burden?
You can give up, call it quits, and put off creating another day. But that will only make the situation worse, as a creative individual you need to create. And putting off anything only makes you fall behind.
So, what do you do?
You should relax, because your cognitive load may be overwhelmed from trying to think so hard. Take a short  break from whatever it is you’re doing, five or ten or fifteen minutes should be enough. After your break, talk with another creator. See if they can’t help you with your task or if they can help point you to some positive inspiration. If you’re still not motivated and the ideas still aren’t flowing at this point, look for new motivation. The web is great for this. Sites like Behance, Thought Catalog, and Vimeo, all have incredible work that is sure to motivate you.
If, after each of the above steps, the ideas still aren’t coming, you may just need to dive in, to overcome any excuse you can give yourself.
The ideas are all there in your mind, sometimes you just have to let them flow freely without worrying.

Creative Advertising by Companies

It’s quite true about the saying – There’s no second chance at making a good first impression. Advertisement, regardless online or offline, if they don’t catch your attention within seconds they are considered failed. Agencies and big corporations do not believe in ‘cool factors’ in advertisement anymore. Instead, to really stand out of the crowd, the idea has to be really out of the box, something that makes you laugh, talks about it or at least make you look twice.
These creative advertising companies are mostly doing in many part of the world. Let us look at those creative ideas  :

Creative ideas for Business:

Have you ever come a cross with creatrive business ideas? Creative odeas for business refer to those in whcih you have to spend  less amount of money or in which you are able to find very niche market whvih your competitir are unable to find it. Let us a quick overview of those ideas :

1 - Cleaning service business:

Are you the type of person who has a sparkling clean home, and loves reading books about the newest ways to clean more efficiently?
Or perhaps you would like to be?

Then a business cleaning for other people might interest you. And there are so many different types of cleaning services you could offer.

Houses alone not only need a lot of specialized cleaning for different surfaces and rooms but there is also the outside that requires cleaning too.
Not to mention any garden, pool and patio furniture and even the pool itself. Then there are all types of vehicles from cars and trucks to campers and RV’s.

There is also a great demand from businesses for different types of cleaning services.
And don’t forget special events!

Here are some interesting small business ideas to get you started thinking about providing a specialized cleaning service.

Party/Event Clean-up Service
Ever wonder who cleans up after big events in your town? Or maybe weddings and parties too. Well how about you?

Pet Odor Removal Specialist
Do you know someone who complains about the problems they have with pet odor in their home? This is a fairly common problem and not many people know how to deal with it.

Motor Home Cleaning Service
In American camping and taking vacations in motor homes is a popular and common pastime. But many people are just too busy to clean out their motor home once they return from vacation.

Effective Carpet Cleaning
Get some people to give carpet cleaning service for different occasion.

Creative Art Work
 Creative art is the best known work in the world.  Let us see some creative art work ehich is prevailing in the world and found in rare cases.

 Above are some of the rare art work. Which are some of handemade some are computerized work . Any way these are really creative work and give pleasure to see it.

Creativity and Innovation :

Every body in the world talk about creativity and innovation. Let us disscuss what these two terminology actually mean?

Creativity Defined

Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity involves two processes: thinking, then producing. Innovation is the production or implementation of an idea. If you have ideas, but don’t act on them, you are imaginative but not creative.” — Linda Naiman.

What is Innovation?

Innovation is the production or implementation of ideas. The National Innovation Initiative  (NII) defines innovation as “The intersection of invention and insight, leading to the creation of social and economic value.”

Why creativity is necessary ?

I am here going to share one of the best article written by " Guillermina Chivite for Cactus Music School" . That is about creativity :

And always has been. Creativity is not only about art, literature and music, but about producing something new and useful. As in every generation before us, we are faced with new problems that seem unsolvable: climate change and the development of renewable energy sources to a large scale, a financial crisis the cause of which is deeply ingrained in the economic system of our own creation, finding ways to alleviate hunger and disease, and a very long etcetera.

Creativity in Education:

Does school kill creativity? Very good talk by Ken Robinson in TED.
Creativity Ideas
Creativity ideas can come thick and fast. You are a creative genius, and your brain and your mind are designed to unleash a torrent of creative ideas! Unleashing your creative genius is an easy thing to do. Start by acknowledging your genius for creativity, begin to notice the number of ideas that you have.

Your creativity ideas book: Keep a creativity ideas book where you note down every idea that you get (even the apparently silly ones). The mere act of keeping a creativity ideas journal will trigger your mind to produce more and better ideas. Your mind is like a happy dog, it just loves to play fetch. Where you put your attention, is where the dog runs to. Throw your stick (conscious awareness) on to the idea of creativity ideas, and the mind runs off happily and fetches you creative idea after idea.

You are creatively intelligent: Maybe you haven't thought of yourself as a creative genius before. That's alright. Few of us are encouraged to think that well of ourselves when we are children. But the fact is you are a genius and you have multiple intelligences to express your creativity for ideas through. You may be stronger in some intelligences than others - and you can start to focus on these especially - but you can easily strengthen each of your intelligences.

Creative Pictures

Creativity means something out of the Box. When people dont expect that this thing can happen  and suddenly a person stand and do something extraordinary that is creativity. Same thing is applied in Pictures too. Let us look at those creative pictures :

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